Baidu Account (REGISTER) from Outside China without Chinese Phone Number - Google Loves ...
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Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Baidu Account (REGISTER) from Outside China without Chinese Phone Number


In this blog let me tell you how i created and register a Baidu Account from outside China without Chinese Phone Number. Creating a Baidu account is essential if you want your website to appear in this mega Chinese Search Engine. A Baidu account will enable you to submit your website to the Baidu Webmaster Tools which in turn will make your website appear in this Chinese only search engine to the vast population of China. Baidu Cloud and so many other things.


Baidu is a Chinese only Search Engine and is the market leader in China in terms of Search Engines. Most people in China use Baidu to search on the web. If you have a website for which you want a global audience than appearance in this Search Engine is going to attract a lot more visitors to your website. Not only it increases the reach for your website but it also can get you the competitive edge on your competitor websites if they are not appearing on Baidu. 

Baidu Webmaster Tools

Baidu Webmaster Tools is a portal created to help webmasters and SEOs monitor and maintain their site's presence in Baidu's organic search results. The platform offers a great deal of metrics you can only get from Baidu, tools to test your site's performance, and a two-way communication channel between you and Baidu.


If you reside in China, than creating a Baidu account is really easy. You just need to go to and register with your Chinese Mobile Phone Number and your account is created. The tricky part is when you try and create the account from outside China from your Overseas Phone Number.

If you are lucky then the straight forward method will work for you but if you are like me and get stuck at the following errors than the procedure becomes a little technical.


The system detects that the current account is registered through an illegal channel. Registration for Overseas and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Regions is not supported at this time. System cannot process your request at this time. Please try again later.

I had to create my Baidu account the hard way. I got stuck on “the system detects that the current account is registered through an illegal channel” error and searched for a few days until I found the solution and created my Baidu Account. The method also works with the other errors as well.


Once you are stuck at the Passport Registration Screen and after unsuccessfully attempting several times to get the verification code from various methods, you are left with no choice but to use this method. Following are the steps for how to create Baidu Account from outside China:

Click on this LINK. We are going to try and create the account using Baidu Cloud Registration and not from the main Baidu Registration page.

This is Baidu's passport registration (Baidu website) page screen shot image

Baidu's registration from baidu actual website
Baidu's Passport registration from outside China (actual website)

This is Baidu's AI Cloud login REGISTRATION page screen shot image, this site is in English

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Baidu cloud international registration page  screen shot image 
This is Baidu's CLOUD  registration page...

Click on the Country Code (+86 in this case) and choose the country of your residence. Please note the method will only work if your country code is showing on the drop down list.

Choose your country by clicking on +86 for Baidus AI could registration
Selecting you country screen shot image (Baidu's AI Could Registration)
  • Enter your Phone Number and Press “Send Dynamic Password”. You will receive a Dynamic Password on your mobile phone. 

  • Enter the Dynamic Password you received on your phone on Screen and Press Login.

  • A Pop-up will appear suggesting this number has not been registered before and you need to register it. Click on Register Now.

Baidu - POp up screen - mobile not registered
Pop up will appear – Click Register Now
  • Another Pop-up will appear where you will have to do the verification check that you are a human.
    Note: In Pop up screen kindly click on the double arrow and swipe to right.

  • After Successful Verification you will then see the next screen ” Welcome to Baidu AI Cloud”.

  • In this screen you have a form to fill,  The Username to be entered in Contact Field. Also, fill all the other fields with relevant information's.

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